7 stories

Electoral Precedent 2020

2 Comments and 9 Shares
He also broke the streak that incumbents with websites are unbeatable and Delawareans can't win, creating a new precedent: Only someone from Delaware can defeat an incumbent with a website.
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1355 days ago
wow. So Obama didn't have a website in 2008? The (recent) past is a foreign country.
Sydney, Australia
1355 days ago
Obama wasn’t a challenger in 2008. Bush was not running for re-election so there was no incumbent to challenge.
1355 days ago
Obama wasn't running against an incumbent, so he wasn't a challenger. The examples of challengers with websites losing are Dole ('96), Kerry ('04), and Romney ('12).
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1355 days ago
He also broke the streak that incumbents with websites are unbeatable and Delawareans can't win, creating a new precedent: Only someone from Delaware can defeat an incumbent with a website.

How do I kill a program that hung with an always-on-top fullscreen window?

1 Comment

Has this ever happened to you? You're hard at work blasting zombies being super-productive with a program that has an always-on-top fullscreen window. And then the program hangs. How can you get to Task Manager so you can kill the hung program?

One way to do this is to launch Task Manager and use keyboard accelerators to get it to be always-on-top:

  • Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del and say that you want to run Task Manager. Task Manager will run, but it's covered by the always-on-top fullscreen window.
  • Whenever you need to see Task Manager, use Alt+Tab to select Task Manager and hold the Alt for a few seconds. This will give you a preview of Task Manager so you can see what state it is in. You can't interact with it, but you can at least see it.
  • If Task Manager is in compact mode, then press Alt+D to get out of compact mode into details mode. If you're the sort of person who likes to open Task Manager a lot, you are probably already in details mode.
  • Type Alt+O followed by Alt+D to enable Always on Top.

You now have an always-on-top Task Manager, and you can now use it to select the hung program and terminate it.

But here's a shortcut: Use virtual desktops.

  • Press Win+Tab to call up the switcher.
  • Click the + to create a new virtual desktop. This gives you a clean desktop with nothing on it. In particular, the hung application is not on this desktop.
  • Run Task Manager on this new virtual desktop and use it to terminate the hung program.
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2649 days ago
useful advice for buggy games
Sydney, Australia
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Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - The Future of Medicine

5 Comments and 10 Shares

Hovertext: We'll have a patch out in two to forty weeks.

New comic!
Today's News:
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3325 days ago
Doctors vs Engineers
Sydney, Australia
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3320 days ago
104 Constitution Drive CA 94025 USA
3325 days ago
conducting becoming
3325 days ago
I agree. Engineers will fix things. It may take a few tries though! :-)
West Coast
3325 days ago

Upside-Down Map

11 Comments and 19 Shares
Due to their proximity across the channel, there's long been tension between North Korea and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Southern Ireland.
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3419 days ago
Alt: "Due to their proximity across the channel, there's long been tension between North Korea and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Southern Ireland."
Sydney, Australia
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9 public comments
3416 days ago
I love crazy maps so hard.
Portland, Oregon
3418 days ago
3418 days ago
I really want to play Risk on this map.
Oakland, CA
3418 days ago
Heh, this one reads like a Clickhole article.
East Helena, MT
3419 days ago
The folks in Vancouver and Seattle taking a ferry over to Cuba is distinctly unfair.
Nashville, Tennessee
3419 days ago
ZOMG! Imagine the "Global Climate Change" (tm)! The cold places are warm. The warm places are cold. Polar bears swimming in equatorial waters! The stone heads of Easter Island pointing the opposite direction!
3419 days ago
Due to their proximity across the channel, there's long been tension between North Korea and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Southern Ireland.
3419 days ago
I love how Japan is so close to spain and that UK must now fear for Kim Jong Un nuclear alert :p
3419 days ago
What happens to the undersea cables!
3419 days ago
They become such a tangled mess that they are indistinguishable from the cables under my desk.

New Products

4 Comments and 14 Shares
If you ever hear "Wait, is that Kim Dotcom's new project? I'm really excited about it and already signed up, although I'm a little nervous about whether everyone should hand over control of their medical...", it's time to dig a bunker in your backyard.
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3426 days ago
Alt: If you ever hear "Wait, is that Kim Dotcom's new project? I'm really excited about it and already signed up, although I'm a little nervous about whether everyone should hand over control of their medical...", it's time to dig a bunker in your backyard.
Sydney, Australia
3426 days ago
Hey ! If you're interested in alt text you might want to follow alt_text_bot: http://alt_text_bot.newsblur.com/ . Otherwise with a long press in the Android and iOS apps you can see the alt text!
3425 days ago
Yes please keep this alt noise out of the comment sections
3425 days ago
I don't mind it, though. I can either hover or take a look at the inevitable alt text comment.
3425 days ago
thanks boss
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3 public comments
3424 days ago
Scary accurate.
3425 days ago
100% truth
Bartlett, IL
3426 days ago
If you ever hear "Wait, is that Kim Dotcom's new project? I'm really excited about it and already signed up, although I'm a little nervous about whether everyone should hand over control of their medical...", it's time to dig a bunker in your backyard.

Spare the Sponges

1 Comment

JV: What do you live with John?

John: Well my lovely wife has a sponge...I don’t want to call it a fetish but...when she goes to the grocery store she brings back a dozen or more sponges each time. You know the thin ones that are in the pack? There’s a green, a red, a yellow and a blue.

JV: Mm.

John: So she’ll bring bunches of those home and store them underneath the sink. That’s fine, but she has a different purpose she wants me to use each one for and she has a chart above the sink to tell me which items I’m allowed to clean up with which sponge. She’s laminated it.

JV: Wow. There’s a laminated chart referring to ‘red sponge = kitchen bench.’

John: Well, yeah. Red sponge = benches and tables.

JV: That does seem extreme to me.

John: Kitchen floors is blue.

JV: Yeah.

John: Hands and face is yellow.

JV: Gee. How long do these sponges last? Are they changed every week?

John: Well, I’ll use them two, three, maybe eight times and she’ll do the opposite. She’ll see there’s a bit of discolouration, throw it out, and there’s a brand new one. Especially with the green, which is bathroom surfaces. They don’t last long at all.

JV: And have you tried to talk about the overuse of sponge? The pressure on the sponge population of the world?

John: Well that’s it! I think we’re using more than our share, in this age of share it round, because you can’t donate them y’know? No one will take the ones you’ve used.

JV: I think we’re just talking landfill. Do they degrade quickly? I don’t know.

John: That’s a good point. And what are you actually throwing in landfill with them? What’s caught up in all that sponge that I would normally have just rinsed out?

JV: How much trouble do you get into when you use wrong sponge on wrong surface?

John: (laughs) A short, sharp look. It’s a stern one.

JV: Oh, I hate that look.

John: And maybe an uh-uh-uh-uh!

JV: Oh you get the uh-uh-uh!

John: It’ll stop you in your tracks and then you’ll slowly put that one down. Step away from the yellow sponge and grab the red one.

JV: Wow. John, are there children subjected to this regime?

John: Well, yes, but they get a little bit of leeway. As they get older they’re going to be under the same regime as I am and I don’t see why not, if I have to do it.

JV: Exactly. It’ll be one of the first things that they learn. I’m hoping at show and tell they’ll take the full range of sponges in.

John: And a copy of the chart! Which I’m about to post on your Facebook.
JV:If you would. Thank you.

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4027 days ago
My favourite blog
Sydney, Australia
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